
海外追光快讯 | 乐竞新能源成功签约丹麦 HOFOR 29MW光伏电站项目
11-02 2022

近日,乐竞新能源海外市场发展又添新成果,成功签约丹麦 HOFOR 29MW光伏电站项目。在海外市场规模不断扩大的情况下,乐竞新能源提速海外市场的纵深发展,积极推进属地化经营管理,发展步伐持续走深走实。

Recently, Chint Solar signed the new 29MW HOFOR PV project in Denmark, the M-12 29MW HOFOR PV plant. CHINT has been solidifying its presence in existing markets by pushing forward the local team and operations while expanding business in new markets.


丹麦 HOFOR 29MW 光伏电站项目

29MW HOFOR PV Project in Denmark


As one of the countries with the highest tariff in Europe, Denmark is very proactive in promoting the renewable energy development and now the country has become one of the most attractive markets in terms of the renewable energy. So far, Chint Solar has started the construction of several PV plants in Denmark which would contribute to the utilization of the clean energy proposed by the local government. The success of the early-stage projects helped to set up the model for the good practice in overseas markets meanwhile served as the key factor for the project contracting of this time.

据介绍,本次业主方HOFOR公司是丹麦最大的公共事业公司,其核心业务领域为供水、废水管理,区域供暖、区域供冷以及天然气供应。此次,乐竞新能源将为HOFOR 29MW光伏电站项目提供EPC和O&M服务,项目占地面积约为642.6亩,将安装约52560块光伏组件。

HOFOR Company, as the owner of the PV project, is the biggest public utility company in Denmark, with its core business in the water supply, waste water management, local heat and cooling supply and natural gas supply. The M-12 PV project, to which CHINT is going to offer the EPC and O&M services, has a land occupation of 46.2ha and about 52,560 pcs of CHINT’s independent brand of 545Wp high-efficiency PV modules will be installed.



CHINT and its partner, with their in-house capabilities and company-owned heavy machinery, have started work on the project site since September 2022 and will deliver the plant on time to the highest quality standards, with commissioning planned for spring 2023, and continue to provide Operation & Maintenance services to the project for two years after it enters into operation. As soon as commissioned, it is expected to generate 35 million kWh per annum that meet the energy demand from 9,000 households. The estimated CO2 reduction is 20,000 tons.

