
海外追光快讯 | 乐竞新能源在罗马尼亚再添新业绩
02-07 2023

近日,继合作罗马尼亚最大的光伏电站——Ratesti 154 MWp光伏发电项目后,乐竞新能源与合作伙伴再次达成共识,将为Econergy公司在罗马尼亚Oradea地区的86MW光伏发电项目提供EPC和运维服务。随着乐竞在光伏电站全生命周期的一站式解决方案受到合作伙伴的肯定与认可,预计公司在罗马尼亚市场发展将迎来显著成长。

Recently, CHINT Solar is joining hands again with its partner to provide EPC and O&M services for the new 86MW solar project in Oradea, Romania for Econergy which is the developer and owner of the project. This is one more big step forward for CHINT Solar in the Romanian market after the success of the 154MW Ratesti Project, which is also the biggest project in the country so far, and it also demonstrated the recognition to CHINT’s One-Stop Solution for PV Plants from the business partners. We are very confident to the company’s future growth in Romania.



The construction of the Oradea project will start in the following months at the project site and the completion is scheduled for the second half of 2023. To support Econergy's long-term sustainable renewable development goals, CHINT Solar and its partner will bring their in-house capabilities to start work on the project site and will deliver the plant on time to the highest quality standards. As soon as the project is commissioned, it is expected to generate 109.8 GWh per year that meet the energy demand from more than 64818 households. The estimated yearly CO? reduction is 73 thousand tons.



As commented by the GM of CHINT Solar’s Overseas Business BU, “Romania is quite rich in terms of the natural solar resources while the renewable energy is also taking on more and more important roles in the energy structure. The country is one of the prioritized markets for CHINT Solar in Europe and we have accumulated pretty much experience during the last decade. We are committed to root in the market, find opportunities and contribute to the sustainable development of energy transition and environment.”

